Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Pornography That?

Pornography That?

Busy people protested hetika a pornographic magazine from Ameriha diterbithan of Indonesia, the fact, without any imports from the West on the sin! sesah even breaths we were surrounded by pornography!

Do not bother going to the major bookstores in Jakarta/dikota2 to search for pornographic magazines, lives walking toward the stalls and shanties tabloid newspaper sellers in the market and the nearest we can find a variety of print media with pictures and writing dirty. Songs, movies, soap operas, comics and porn sites are easily accessible to children and adolescents who live in urban areas.

According to U.S. Attorney General in 1986, the main consumers of pornography (whether in the form of magazines, the Internet, tabloids, etc..) In America are young men aged 12 to 17 years. But, according to research on adolescent counselors and Fruit We Heart Foundation,

most of the 1705 class of elementary school children in Greater Jakarta 4.5 and 6 that they examined was already in contact with pornography, in various formats and through various media!

When busy people debating on whether to place anti-pornography legislation bersliweranlah various definitions of pornography that seem loose and strict accordance with the needs and interests of the giver definition.

One Islamic website in North America,, explaining that the pornography was not only include images or impressions are hard core and naked / nudity (nudity), but also people who do not dress appropriate / minimal, sexual situations, kissing, Touching between the opposite / same type, and humor porn.

According to the work of Collin Family Home Dictionary, pornography is the writing * writings, pictures or movies designed for the purposes of sexual satisfaction or pleasure.

In the West, it is the pornography industry is worth billions of dollars USA 12-13 per year, more than the combined industry of Coca Cola and Mc.Donnel Douglas (aircraft manufacturer).

Website best-known porno magazine reportedly received 4.7 million visits elekironik (hits) per day! More than 30% sites in the world is pornogarfi website.

Fuss, major damage to society caused by pornography - such as sexual abuse of children even at the household and destruction - not just happening in the West.

Now, with the help of sophisticated information technology such as internet, television and satellite phones, the Muslim-majority Indonesia, which had become one of the victims (both producers) of pornography in a large scale. For example, a child who was given the job of elementary school to write essays about insects and find information on the internet, chances are it will get pornography. When typed "fly" or "mosquitoes" in the search engines like Google or Yahoo, there is also the site * porn sites that use those names!

Some impressions into consumption teenage soap opera that we teach our children to experiment with the pornography and adultery. One of them played by SCTV one scene shows a group of uniformed high school teens who together watching a porn movie and then a pair for the pair of them went into the room to vent rnereka lust.

Some movies that make commotion in Indonesia, such as Kiss Hurry Gue or Virgin, for example, was made based on the movie *- movie from an American slob mengumbar adultery scenes between brother and half brother, a student with a teacher, or a kind friend. In the film Virgin, for example, there are scenes of a girl who sold her virginity for Rp 10 million to an old man in the bathroom of a mall just to buy a cell phone camera!

Thus, do not think that because we live in Indonesia so our children safe from the dangers of pornography. Some of the statistics below are obtained in the West, but it could be a picture of our own society.

"O ye who believe, keep dirirnu and your family from the fire of hell which the fuel is men and stones; guardian angels of the rough, tough, who do not disobey Allah in what He commanded them and always do what diperiniahkan. " (Surat At-Tahrim: 6)