Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Protect Children from Internet Dangers - If well used, would have a positive impact of Internet technology. Someone can easily find the information you want known. By simply typing in the search engines (search engines), there are plenty of web sites referenced on this information. The existence of the e-mail allows a person can send a letter to other people quickly and easily. Chat room (chat room) allows one to communicate with many people far from each other at once. Or emerging, the presence of social networking websites like Facebook or Friendster, which allows one to find old friends who have not encountered.

However, the positives of the Internet turned out to be bad when used irresponsibly. Many children are addicted or addicted to the Internet so they are comfortable to linger in front of the computer so will not forget their obligations more important to eat, bathe and even reluctant to learn. One cause of a child is much like the Internet because they get a new experience and they can find comfort. Or they get something from this virtual world that can not be obtained in the real world. In the virtual world can become someone else he desired. For example, a child who is shy can be easily met through a chat, or e-mail. In online games, they can create their characters in the character of a beautiful, rich, or anything else that might differ from their real life.

Danger Internet Pornography

Even more alarming is when a child is addicted to pornography on the Internet. Within a week there are more than 4000 porn sites created! Truly alarming figures. It not only struck the children, many adults because they are also addicted to pornography on the Internet as easily and without shame, a person can access and view pornographic images even through mobile phones.

Initially, perhaps a child does not intend to view pornography and will utilize the Internet for a good purpose. However, this porn site can emerge suddenly as a child looking for material information for his school assignment or for other purposes. A child who is innocent can not be considered good or bad a thing, then a child aged 8-12 years are often a target.

At this age, the brain before a child is not yet well developed. While the brain is the central front to conduct the assessment, planning, and an executive who will tell your body to do something. On the back of the brain supports the forebrain. Here also produced dopamine, the hormone that produces feelings of comfort, relaxation or a fly on someone.

A child who is addicted to hard to stop the habit so that he will do so repeatedly. Children may feel guilty but do not dare to express his feelings to his parents because of fear or a busy father and mother. In the state of anxiety, the brain rotates 2.5 times faster than usual during a normal rotation. Due to this rotation is too rapid, the brain of a child can be shrunk so that the brain does not physically well developed. A condition that can damage a child's future. In addition, the images are obscene pornographic web site, will usually inherent and difficult to be eliminated in the minds of children in the long term.

Dangers of Sexual Predators

Internet is also often exploited by unscrupulous are not responsible for deceiving children. There are 750,000 sexual predators or predators that take advantage of every day rumpi space (chat room) to get acquainted, then take her to have sex. If not careful, the parties shall not be liable to steal personal identity that can be used to commit the crime.

Feature of Internet Addiction

Characteristics of a child who is already addicted to the Internet generally will be angry if you limit to use the Internet. He also tends reluctant to communicate with others and are closed or just want to be friends with certain people.

How to Avoiding Internet Dangers

Various dangers on the Internet and Internet addiction problems are not insurmountable. By knowing the negative impact of the Internet, as a parent you can protect your baby by doing the following things:

Parents need to have knowledge about the Internet
Do not assume yourself terlau old or too stupid to learn the Internet. Other terms, do not be clueless about computers (technology illiterate). A child may have intentionally allowed or make parents do not understand the technology so that parents think there is no negative impact from the Internet.
Put the computer in a place that is easily seen
Sometimes parents feel proud to be putting in their child's room a computer connected to the Internet. This is actually going to harm your child because they can freely access the sites that are not good without a known parent. Conversely, by placing in the open, for example in the family room, you can monitor what sites are opened children.
Help for children can make their own decisions
Because you can not supervise your children 24 hours, familiarize your child to make decisions ranging from small things. For example, decided to use clothing where or ask opinions and viewpoints of children. So when you do not exist or appear as a porn site they can take appropriate action. Embed this is also the fear of God, so even if you do not exist, but he knew that God watched and saw what he was doing.
Restrict Internet usage
Do not let your children are too engrossed in the virtual world. Specify how long the Internet may be used and what sites might be accessed. Describe also why you do this and help the child to understand this decision.
Keep good communication with children
Take the time to joke with the kids and communicate openly. Good communication and familiarity with the child will be easier for you to inculcate moral values. You can explain to your children what the dangers of Internet use so they are not easily fooled.

All parents would love their kids and try to give my best. But outside influences, one of the dangers the Internet can ruin a child intelligence and moral values so you need to protect your children from the dangers of Internet use, such as pornography and the sexual predator or a predator.